Whither the Spiritual? Rethinking Secularism’s Legacy in post-Ottoman Art

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FELDMAN, H., & SCHEID, K. (2022). Whither the Spiritual? Rethinking Secularism’s Legacy in post-Ottoman Art. Regards, (28), 15-28. https://doi.org/10.70898/regards.v0i28.780


This dossier seeks to pinpoint hazards emerging on the globally redrawn map of art and culture. It was conceived to expose and navigate the mines laid when the ostensibly methodologically secular discourse of art history turns to art made outside Euro-American cultural centers and thought to be out of sync with Euro-American modernity. As commonly approached, the pinnacle of that modernity indexes a period roughly coincident with what one of us has referred to as the “decades of decolonization” to avoid reaffirming the Eurocentrism inherent to terming the period ‘post-war’. Spatially, our map focuses on territories that labored (and are still laboring) to decolonize from European interventions.
Simultaneously, the populations on this map have rebuilt lives and networks in the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate, and, amidst administration by new military-economic-religious complexes. An anecdote from a conference in which one of us participated in the weeks prior to this dossier’s finalization testifies to the timeliness, if not urgency, of our project...
