L’adieu hors de tout lieu. L’espace funéraire réinventé par J. Amado, réimaginé par O. Fazwy
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How to Cite

EL-SÉGUINY, D. (2021). L’adieu hors de tout lieu. L’espace funéraire réinventé par J. Amado, réimaginé par O. Fazwy. Regards , (25), 55-72. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/regards/article/view/601


In The Double Death of Quincas-Water-Bray by Jorge Amado and its Egyptian cinematographic adaptation, The Paradise of the Fallen Angels by Ossama Fawzy, the funerary preparation leads to an ironic reflection on life and death, and the confrontation between the value systems of the bourgeoisie and the marginalized. This article studies the question of borders, “real” or virtual, between narrative spaces. It’s based on the concept of heterotopia (Michel Foucault) which offers a reflection on the constitution of a “different space” within the real location, and the notion of intermediality (Silvestra Mariniello) which questions the conceptual space that emerges between different tangent mediums. The analysis of narrative processes and cinematographic techniques illuminates the way a private, profane and everyday space is transformed into a  public, sacred and funeral space.

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