Le cinéma libanais coproduit : écarts et variations
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Lebanese co-produced Cinema
Author cinema
War Cinema
Bilingualism and French-speaking

How to Cite

MAROUN, N. (2020). Le cinéma libanais coproduit : écarts et variations. Regards , (24), 71-85. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/regards/article/view/484


Lebanese filmmakers often choose some particular narrative forms to their co-produced movies. Either they deviate from traditional screenplay writings, or they develop a lot of thematic variations. The margins of freedom, creativity and inventiveness increase therefore globally in the Lebanese co-produced cinema. To what extent these new narrative forms are adapted to the Lebanese destabilized geopolitical context? How do the documentaries, the dramas and the road movies establish a kind of Lebanese Identity and Lebanese memory in these movies, so they are frequently selected in European and International movies festivals?

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