The Synodal Spirit in the Maronite Church: From the Lebanese Synod (1736) to the Maronite Patriarchal Synod (2003-2006)
A paraître


Maronite Church
Episcopal collegiality
Second Vatican Council
Maronite diaspora

How to Cite

IBRAHIM, S. (2024). The Synodal Spirit in the Maronite Church: From the Lebanese Synod (1736) to the Maronite Patriarchal Synod (2003-2006). Proche-Orient Chrétien, 74(2), 180-192. Retrieved from


This article explores the evolution of synodality within the Maronite Church through the lens of two significant synods: 1736 and 2003-2006. By analyzing the historical contexts, theological issues, and pastoral practices of these assemblies, the author highlights the profound transformations of the Maronite Church in tein of ge vere otthe laity tom petit vatican II on episcopal collegiality, and the challenges and prospects of synodality in the contemporary context of the Maronite diaspora are at the heart of this research.