Christian presence is not limited to the publication of texts, nor to theological reflection or the organization of church structures. It is first and foremost a living witness through deep communion and perseverance over years, even decades. For this Jubilee issue, POC pays tribute to three witnesses who have offered their lives to the service of the Church of God in this place, as well as to the living together between Christians and Muslims. The Dominican friar Emilio Platti is well known in Muslim-Christian relations. May Brother Emmanuel Pisani be thanked for the beautiful tribute. The Jesuit Father Nicolas Kluiters devoted himself to the village of Barqa and the region of Hermel-Baalbeck until his martyrdom. On the occasion of the opening of the process of his beatification, Father Thom Sicking gives him a moving testimony that traces the features of his vocation and mission. Sister Barbara, Little Sister of Nazareth, was present for decades, with other Little Sisters, in the city of Hermel. She was a witness of fraternity in the spirit of Nazareth, initiated by Br. Charles de Foucauld who will be canonized on May 1, 2022. This tribute, dedicated to our three privileged witnesses, from Belgium, the Netherlands and Egypt, is very significant. The Christian presence is an evangelical light that illuminates the darkness of the places regardless of nationality, rite and language.