La place et le rôle des laïcs dans L’Église : de « Une Espérance nouvelle pour le Liban » (1996) au « Synode patriarcal maronite » (2003-2006)



How to Cite

CHALFOUN, K. (2023). La place et le rôle des laïcs dans L’Église : de « Une Espérance nouvelle pour le Liban » (1996) au « Synode patriarcal maronite » (2003-2006). Proche-Orient Chrétien, 73(2), 206-220. Retrieved from


This article focuses on the place and role of the laity in the Synods for Lebanon.
Synodality is part of the essence of the Church. The laity were first included in the synodal process at the Special Synod for Lebanon in 1995. This new experience has made it possible to recognize the importance of their commitment and participation in the reflection on ecclesial renewal. The recommendations of the Synod are an illustration of this, in particular the creation of training centers that would allow the laity to deepen their theological knowledge and put it at the service of the Church in Lebanon.
Subsequently, the laity were also present at the Maronite Patriarchal Synod (2003-2006). Despite a minor participation, their involvement was not an obstacle to the role of the clergy. Finally, it is necessary to wait until 2023 for a text on the place of women to be adopted by the Synod of Maronite Bishops. As for the youth, they participated in several gatherings aimed at reinforcing living together and promoting peace, while also calling for greater justice.