
Al-Kīmiyā is a journal published by the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FdLT) of Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ).
Founded in 2001-2002 under this name as part of the annals of the Institut de langues et de traduction (ILT), Al-Kīmiyā publishes mainly research papers in the fields of translation, interpretation and languages, namely translation, terminology, history of translation, intercultural communication, translation teaching, language teaching and language sciences.
It is a biannual, multilingual journal receiving original articles in French, Arabic, English, Spanish, Italian and German. Each issue includes a thematic section, a Varia section and a reviews section of recent books published in the fields covered by the journal.
All contributions are subject to a Double-Blind Peer Review process of evaluation.
Al-Kīmiyā is a space for reflection giving the floor to researchers, instructors, PhD students and professionals in translation and language.