
Call for papers – Issue Number 25

The issue 25 of Al-Kīmiyā, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation of Saint Joseph University of Beirut will receive, under the sign of diversity, articles covering various fields of research in translation and in language. Proposals can deal with issues that currently concern research in translation studies and language sciences. The choice of themes is left to researchers who will thus reflect in their articles the diversity of approaches and perspectives paving the way to dismantle the barriers among the disciplines.

For more details click here

Call for Papers for Issue Number 24

The issue 24 of Al-Kīmiyā, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation of Saint Joseph University of Beirut will receive, under the sign of diversity, articles covering various fields of research in translation and in language. Proposals can deal with issues that currently concern research in translation studies and language sciences. The choice of themes is left to researchers who will thus reflect in their articles the diversity of approaches and perspectives paving the way to dismantle the barriers among the disciplines.

For more details click here.

Call for Papers – Issue Number 21: "Languages, translation, ICTE and distance learning"

The theme chosen for issue 21 of Al-Kīmiyā, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FdLT – Faculté de langues et de traduction) of Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ – Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth) is

"Languages, translation, ICTE and distance learning". The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of everyone around the world and the repercussions on the field of education are undeniable. Indeed, teachers and learners quickly found themselves forced to switch to a mode of teaching that had until then been reserved for special cases. Distance learning (DL) has therefore become the norm. This sudden shift certainly led to an increased use of digital tools for which users were not always well-prepared. Whatever mode schools and universities chose, synchronous or asynchronous, a forced and urgent adaptation was inevitable. Issue 21 of our journal proposes to carry out this reflection which could deal with the various challenges and risks that go along with distance education and/or the use of ICTE. 

To read the full call: “Languages, Translation and Society”, Call for Papers, Calenda, Published on July 06, 2021, Click here.

Hobeika Haddad May

Call for Papers – Issue Number 20 : Languages, Translation and Society

The theme chosen for issue 20 of Al-Kīmiyā, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation (FdLT – Faculté de langues et de traduction) of Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ – Université Saint-Joseph) is “Languages, translation and society”. The relationship between these three concepts is undeniable, not to say obvious. It refers to a certain interdisciplinarity displayed by the emergence, for quite a long time, of new disciplines and fields of research. Sociolinguistics dates back to the fifties of the last century, and the calls for the institution of a sociology of translation or a sociology of translation studies trace their roots back to some twenty years. Indeed, Jean-Marc Gouanvic's work Sociologie de la traduction, la science-fiction américaine dans l’espace culturel français des années 1950 was published in 1999. It is therefore a question of revisiting these more or less established fields in an attempt to reflect the current state of research or research perspectives in today's social contexts.

To read the full call: « Languages, Translation and Society », Call for Papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, February 09, 2021,


Hobeika Haddad May