La Synodalité, structure de communion privilégiée en Orient

How to Cite

HACHEM, G. (2018). La Synodalité, structure de communion privilégiée en Orient. Proche-Orient Chrétien, 68(3-4), 299-315. Retrieved from


According to Tradition, synodality is the designated expression of ecclesial communion. First of all, it is the worldly manifestation of the Church living the mystery of unity in diversity. It is also a structure of communion between the Churches of the same province or Churches spread throughout the world. The author evokes the origin of synodality in the East and exposes its development, which culminated in the fifth century in the patriarchal institution, a structure still effective in all Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The article also discusses the persistent challenges and stakes of synodality in the Eastern Catholic Churches that emerged after their union with the Church of Rome during the eighteenth century. The author concludes how the practice of synodality in these Churches offers them the opportunity for a better pastoral collaboration between them as well as a new ecumenical perspective.