L’espace urbain entre topophilie et topophobie dans La Mue de Georges Corm
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Affective dimension
Initiatory experience
Subjective geography

How to Cite

JASSAR, H., & TAMRAZ, N. (2021). L’espace urbain entre topophilie et topophobie dans La Mue de Georges Corm. InteraXXIons, (1), 181-194. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/interaxxions/article/view/620


Our analysis seeks to understand space as an important factor conditioning the main character, his action and his journey. She will also seek to understand space as an important datum conditioning the main character, his action and his journey. Conceived in return by the character in his emotional dimension, the space will be expressed throughout the novel through the emotions of philia and phobia. This article will therefore explore the affective dimension of the relationship of the main character Mikhaïl to the space in which he moves. The two fundamental concepts of topophilia and topophobia will be used in our analysis: feelings relating to urban space will weave Georges Corm’s story, constituting what we will call a «subjective geography». Thus, superimposed on the topophobic unease resulting from the urban experience, the positive topophilia also participate to the initiatory experience that makes the production of the novel possible.

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