Evaluation of female facial attractiveness with different skeletal asymmetry. A cross-sectional study


Facial attractiveness
chin deviation
mandible deviation

How to Cite

HOKAYEM, P., & KHOURY, E. (2022). Evaluation of female facial attractiveness with different skeletal asymmetry. A cross-sectional study. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 13(1), 16-23. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/iajd/article/view/666


Introduction: Facial asymmetry is a common problem that varies in severity between individuals depending on several factors and origins and affects facial beauty. Therefore, the two objectives of this study are to first determine the level of facial attractiveness in an adult woman with different degrees of deviation of the chin and mandible. The second is to measure the difference in perception of the degrees of asymmetry and to judge the facial attractiveness between several evaluator groups.

Material and Methods: An adult woman with a symmetrical face was photographed. The image was then modified using Adobe Photoshop into two series. The first was with deviation of the chin to the right generating 5 photographs. The second one was with deviation of the mandible to the right resulting in 5 other photos.
After that, the images were presented in a questionnaire to 180 evaluators. Finally only 135 rated the attractiveness of each face using the VAS scale; divided into 38 dentists, 35 orthodontists and 57 laypeople.

Results: In both series, orthodontists determined facial asymmetry from 2 mm deviation of the chin and mandible. On the other hand, dentists noticed the asymmetry starting from 4 mm of chin deviation and 2 mm of mandibular deviation and laypeople from 4 mm of chin deviation and 2 mm of mandible deviation. For the two series, the difference was not significant between the two sexes.

Conclusion: Orthodontists were the most sensitive to detecting asymmetry and there was no significant difference between the results of dentists and laypeople.



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