Surmonter l’incertitude et les crises d’origine externe : Les caractéristiques contribuant à la résilience organisationnelle


Crisis management

How to Cite

KARAM, L. (2023). Surmonter l’incertitude et les crises d’origine externe : Les caractéristiques contribuant à la résilience organisationnelle . Proche-Orient Études En Management, 35(1), 5-18. Retrieved from


In a systemic world, crises are likely to become more numerous. Businesses that are part of the economic system constantly face unforeseen disruptive events. Some companies prefer to grow in a stable environment, away from volatility and hazards. Because there is an abnormal unrest, these companies become fragile and their situations might get worse. On the other hand, others survive and stand out for their robustness, and other companies overcome the crisis and rank in the category of resilient companies. The question that arises is: why do some companies deteriorate in the face of turbulence while others survive and regain a state of equilibrium? The academic literature on crises, uncertainty and trauma is mainly focusing on the stages of prevention, crisis management and post-crisis learning. The concept of organizational resilience remains the keystone of reflections and recommendations (Frimousse & Peretti, 2021). Certain characteristics allow companies to have proactive resilience, to be able to overcome disruptions and to have the ability to adapt.