Les organisations d’aide aux personnes en situation de handicap au Liban en quête de soutenabilité


Nonprofit organizations for persons with disabilities

How to Cite

YOUSSEF EL-HAJJ , A. (2023). Les organisations d’aide aux personnes en situation de handicap au Liban en quête de soutenabilité. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 34(1), 43-62. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/poem/article/view/884


Although there is a wide range of studies on social enterprises, few have focused on nonprofit organizations dedicated to help people with disabilities. This paper is intended to fill this gap, to highlight such organizations working in the humanitarian field and to summarize their history between 1909 and 2020: a path from emergence of the organizations to the rise and then to the unstable state in a turbulent and complex Lebanese context. This article also defines the concept of “sustainability” and seeks to interpret and make understandable the challenges of nonprofit organizations such as the socio-economic and financial crisis, the health crisis, the decreasing funding, the competition with the for-profit sector, the human resources, the governance problem, etc. The organizations cope with these challenges in order to sustain in the long term, to act and to defend their fundamental project mission.