Le commerce électronique au Liban face à la crise du COVID-19 : État des lieux et enjeux


digital transformation
influencer marketing
content marketing

How to Cite

SARDOUK, N. (2021). Le commerce électronique au Liban face à la crise du COVID-19 : État des lieux et enjeux. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 33(1), 89-102. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/poem/article/view/702


The Covid-19 crisis has given us a glimpse of a future world, in which digitalization has become a fundamental part of an organization’s global strategy. This accelerated transition is encouraging both organizations and consumers to embrace digital transformation. The latter has proven to be a necessary reality, especially for so-called “traditional” companies.
This article examines the state of play and the challenges of e-commerce in Lebanon in the face of the pandemic, and the use of influencer marketing as well as content marketing, as new means to obtain a competitive advantage in electronic transactions on Lebanese e-commerce websites.