Co-innover avec le client : intérêts et pertinences
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Innovation – partner – technology – evolution – customer – experience – loyalty – competitors – satisfaction - adaptability

How to Cite

SOUNBOL, S. (2017). Co-innover avec le client : intérêts et pertinences. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 29, 65-71. Retrieved from


Since customer can choose to speak, to reject offers or to transfer to competitors, let him be mainly a partner especially in innovation. The wealth of customer relationship management and its importance is the base of the participation of the customer to this process. Service companies are much more involved than others. Thus, the customer becomes co-producer in the servuction as much as he is able to replace employee. This replacement is not always well-deserved. The use of technology and its development in the bank’s sector revealed that innovation cannot be relevant without customer experience. The classification of customers as well-informed or less-informed can also affect the degree of application of new technologies. In addition to that, physical contact with real employees is as much important as the nature of the service itself. The adaptability and the application of technological evolution can affect the degree of satisfaction of the customer and his loyalty to the company. Technological evolution is the trend and most companies are involved in this process. They try to adapt it in order to keep their position in the market and to exceed their competitors by giving much importance to customer speech.

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