Le «Quantitative easing» palliatif aux méthodes traditionnelles de relance économique – l’expérience libanaise
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quantitative easing, financial engineering, economic slump, unconventional financial instruments, consumption, investment

How to Cite

FREIFER, R. (2018). Le «Quantitative easing» palliatif aux méthodes traditionnelles de relance économique – l’expérience libanaise. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 30, 15-40. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/poem/article/view/438


« Quantitative easing » is a technique well-known by governments who often
resort to its financial capacities especially during periods of stagnation and
economic recession.
Monetary authorities use this tool through swap operations between the central
Bank and its counterparts such as commercial banks, financial institutions, even
corporations with high financial capacity who are often in search of solutions to
the financial risks facing the entire market.
The financial engineering undertaken by the Central bank refers to the use of
unconventional financial instruments that would influence the whole economic
circuit and in return would help the economic actors to emerge from the slump
that could stagnate a country.

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