Les promesses et les défis de l’économie collaborative au Liban
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Collaborative Economics, digital platforms, globalization, new exchange model, new technologies

How to Cite

MATAR, L., & MEZHER, J. (2019). Les promesses et les défis de l’économie collaborative au Liban. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 31(2), 73-85. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/poem/article/view/434


The collaborative economy is changing the model of production and consumption of goods and services. New technologies through digital platforms disrupt the links between suppliers and demanders. All sectors are affected through exchange relationships based on mutual trust.
Our communication aims, beyond the presentation of this new economic model to probe the Lebanese youth interest in this new mode of exchange. While most respondents are aware of the different platforms of exchange and would not hesitate to use it when necessary, it nevertheless remains only a small number have taken this step.

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