Knowledge, attitude and clinical management of Orthodontically – Induced external root resorption among Lebanese Orthodontists


External root resorption
diagnosis, orthodontics
classification, risk factors
clinical management

How to Cite

FAKIH , D. C., TARABAIH, A. S., & OSSMAN, A. E. (2024). Knowledge, attitude and clinical management of Orthodontically – Induced external root resorption among Lebanese Orthodontists . International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 15(1), 21-28. Retrieved from


Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and clinical management orthodontically induced external root resorption (OIERR) among Lebanese orthodontists of varying years of experience.

Methods: An online validated survey of 22 questions regarding OIERR was done among a randomly selected registered sample of 145 male and female Lebanese orthodontists.

Results: Significant differences were found among orthodontists with different years of experience for: the factors leading to further investigation, the stage at which additional screening measures were taken, the periodic follow up assessment method, and the clinical management in case of generalized root loss of one-third or more than 4 mm, with p-values 0.035, 0.001, 0.007 and 0.024 respectively.

Conclusions: Lebanese orthodontists had knowledge on potential risk factors, screening methods and period for OIERR. Those with more experience should depend on evidence based literature for clinical management of OIERR