Post-surgical management of cleft lip and palate: Realization of nasal conformer


Cleft lip-alveolar-palate
Maxillofacial Prosthesis
Nasal Conformer
Post-surgical management

How to Cite

HAMZAOUI, S., AZHARI, M., ROKHSSI, H., SAKOUT, M., & BENTAHAR , O. (2022). Post-surgical management of cleft lip and palate: Realization of nasal conformer. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 13(1), 49-52. Retrieved from


Background: the given important role of the post-surgical nasal conformer in the management of cleft lip and palate, the publication of this type of case reminds us of the multidisciplinary management of cleft lip and palate of newborns, and reminds us of the usefulness of having this type of device in the therapeutic arsenal even if surgical techniques have progressed.

Case presentation: This is a newborn boy from northern Morocco who was diagnosed with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. He was first placed in an orthosis with a pre-surgical conformer on his second day of life.

When he was four months, he then underwent corrective surgery in two stages: firstly, closure of the lip and nose, and secondly, closure of the alveolar region and the palate.

For the conformer that interests us in this work, it was performed after three weeks of the first surgery, in order to have better results after the second surgery

Conclusions: In summary, the presentation of this case shows us the importance of post-surgical conformers in the management of infants with cleft lip and palate and their ability to achieve better functional and aesthetic results for the patient without forgetting their psychological impact on the parents.




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