Comparative review of DSLR cameras and smartphones in dental photography : Indications and limitations


Dental photography - single lens-reflex 35 mm cameras – smartphones – sensor – lens - image quality

How to Cite

ANTAR, F., & ZEBOUNI, E. (2020). Comparative review of DSLR cameras and smartphones in dental photography : Indications and limitations. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 9(3), 107-115. Retrieved from


This review will cover a historical perspective of dental photography, its major role in dentistry as well as all the indications relative to it.
All the camera’s set-up and features will be discussed. The role of each component in the camera will be explained, the focus being a theoretical comparison between digital single lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) and smartphones and their use in dentistry.
Dental photography has become a must in everyday clinical practice, from patient communication to legal protection to many other utilities.
Smartphones are on the fast track trying to replace expensive set ups like DSLRs, which are considered as the best cameras until this day