La relation client-banque, en proie à une crise sans précédent au Liban


Customer-Bank Relationhip
Financial Crisis

How to Cite

HABER, C. T. (2022). La relation client-banque, en proie à une crise sans précédent au Liban. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 33(2), 5-24. Retrieved from


For the past several decades, the concept of customer’s relationship with his or her bank has preoccupied researchers and practitioners who, in addition to understanding ths relationship, aim to develop and make it last. The customer’s relationship with his bank has evolved over time; the banking business has developed and has increasingly focused its mission on accompanying the customer through all stages of life while meeting their financial needs through a range of products and services. However, this exponential growth of the sector has not prevented financial crises throughout history, the most recent of which was the 2008 subprime crisis. This crisis has allowed banks to rethink their strategy in terms of activity and customer relations. In Lebanon, the banking sector, which has been booming for 25 years, is currently experiencing a crisis of confidence among customers due to an unprecedented economic crisis, since 2019, one of the worst crises in its history. The crisis weighs on the sector and impacts the customer’s relationship with the bank, leading to a breakdown in trust. This article deals with the relationship between the customer and the bank and the banking activity (definition, banking services and evolution of the banking profession). This article also presents the financial crises and their impact on the banking sector in Lebanon and on the clients relationship.