Le rôle du changement culturel dans la promotion du "readiness for change" : Le cas d’un service public libanais


Preparation for change
Public service culture
Readiness for change
Cultural approach
Cultural change
Qualitative study
Unique case study

How to Cite

ALAEDDINE , M. M. (2021). Le rôle du changement culturel dans la promotion du "readiness for change" : Le cas d’un service public libanais. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 33(1), 47-60. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.lb/poem/article/view/697


The aspect of readiness for change is gaining more and more attention in the field of change management and in the life of organizations. It is understood that the implication of neglecting the importance of this aspect can limit the expected results of any change. As a result, both academics and professionals have become more interested in finding factors and variables that can promote readiness for change. This research article aims to understand in depth the levers of preparation for change in a particular organizational profile, with a culture of public service, and operating in a specific cultural context, the Lebanese context.
Studying organizational readiness for change in terms of representation and in a cultural approach, this qualitative study of a unique case shows the weight and importance of cultural change in promoting the readiness of public service for change.