The impact of MIS in organizations with founders syndrome


Founders syndrome
management information system
organization excellence

How to Cite

MALLAH BOUSTANI, N. (2017). The impact of MIS in organizations with founders syndrome. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 29, 43-52. Retrieved from


Founders syndrome is a management weakness and illness confronted by every entrepreneur envisioning and planning for a long term journey of his business. With success, businesses grow from startups to SMEs’ until they become solid corporations. From start up to SME stage, entrepreneurs roll their sleeves and implicate themselves in every single aspect of the business, because during those stages, the firms require entrepreneurships and general management and administrative skills. When the business grows further and the firm moves from SME to larger scale, it requires organizational reforms and restructuring. At this stage, the entity has a hunger to functional expertise, quality engineered processes, clear organization structure, appropriate span of control, structured authority matrix and quality governance charter and code. Therefore, entrepreneurs with founders’ syndromes hurt much their organizations at growth because while their entities seek organizational structure, management development and processed information flow, they keep on treating their entity in a chaotic manner while rolling into small and big affairs at the same time. That type of entrepreneurs, if they are at least convinced to introduce Management Information Systems to automate their businesses and enhance information flow and knowledge transfer among entity’s department and divisions, they could partially save their firms from mismanagement and potential ruin.